Williams Works to Strengthen Addiction Recovery in Treatment Houses, Supports Protections

April 7, 2021

HARRISBURG - The Human Services Committee this week passed legislation co-sponsored by Rep. Craig Williams (R- Chester/Delaware) to strengthen protections for addicts in treatment or in recovery houses.

The package of bills would amend the Administrative Code to specify that a person does not need to test positive for drugs in order to begin addiction treatment (House Bill 220), require recovery houses to contact emergency contacts should the resident leave due to eviction or against medical advice (House Bill 741) and require the notification of a designated person if a patient leaves an addiction treatment center against medical advice (House Bill 944).

“My membership and work on the Human Services Committee is deliberate and personal,” Williams said. “I lost my youngest brother last year to an overdose. His addiction began in high school, and it continued his entire adult life until he left us at age 41. Addiction is a horrible disease that tears away continuously and mercilessly at the entire family. I intend to promote every possible tool to give addicts and their families a fighting chance.”

Prior to co-sponsoring the package of legislation, Williams fought to shine a light on the opioid epidemic to increase recovery rates among those suffering from addiction. Last month, Williams took part in a Human Services Committee hearing, commending the 18-month-long research done by an opioid task force to ensure more successful warm hand-offs in Pennsylvania and encouraged the suggestions from the task force be implemented.

“I have witnessed the grip addiction has on a person; the cycle of addiction is relentless.,” Williams said. “Those suffering from addiction need every bit of support we can provide, including notifying their families when the addict leaves treatment or recovery houses. Too often, the next stop after leaving those facilities is a fatal overdose. That’s why I’m proud to co-sponsor this important legislation.”

The package of legislation now awaits consideration by the full House.

Representative Craig Williams
160th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Rene Morrow
RepCraigWilliams.com / Facebook.com/RepCraigWilliams

Rep. Craig Williams spoke at the House Human Services Committee on the three pieces of legislation.
Rep. Craig Williams spoke at the House Human Services Committee on the three pieces of legislation.

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