Southeast House and Senate Republicans announce additional vaccination sites coming to counties

Mar. 15, 2021 /

HARRISBURG-- The Southeast Pennsylvania Republican House and Senate delegation on March 12 applauded the Pennsylvania Health Department for taking steps to bring more vaccines to Bucks, Montgomery, Delaware and Chester counties by setting up new vaccination sites through their county governments or local health departments, and streamlining the appointment system.

Williams Supports COVID-19 Relief Legislation

Feb. 05, 2021 /

HARRISBURG - Rep. Craig Williams (R-Chester/Delaware) today voted in support of legislation to offer small businesses, school entities and Pennsylvanian tenants COVID-19 relief:

Williams Appointed to Veterans Affairs Committee

Jan. 12, 2021 /

HARRISBURG - Rep. Craig Williams (R-Chester/Delaware), a veteran of the United States Marine Corps and former federal prosecutor for the Department of Justice has been appointed to the House Veteran Affairs and Emergency Preparedness Committee.

Craig Williams Sworn In as State House Representative

Jan. 05, 2021 /

Craig Williams Sworn In as State House Representative

HARRISBURG - Rep. Craig Williams (R-Chester/Delaware) was sworn in today as a state Representative to serve the people of the 160th District in his first term in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives.